Get your business listed in the Google Local Business Center

Did you know you can get yourself listed in the Google Local Business Center for free? Here is how! Visit Create a Google account if you don’t have one, or sign in with your account. Enter information about your business, including address & phone, hours & more: You can even add photos of your business…

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Exporting Mailing Lists to Make Mailing Labels

Question: Do you know of a software patch that allows the exporting of Macintosh Address Book contacts to run mailing labels? Answer: I can help! To learn how to export your addresses out of your Address Book app, you can read this article I wrote a while back: How to Get Your Address Book into…

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Parental Controls on iPhone or iPod Touch?

Question: My son’s top Christmas request is an iPod Touch. Am I able to put parental controls on Internet content if I get him one of those? Answer: Yes! Here is how: With your iPod Touch (or iPhone) on, go to “Settings”. Scroll down to “General” Select “Restrictions” Select “Enable Restrictions”. You will be prompted…

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Keeping Your Friend's Emails Hidden When Sending to Groups

Question Recently a friend of mine had her email address book used without her permission by a spammer. Probably when she sent a multi-addressee email.  How may we send email messages to multiple recipients and keep the actual addresses hidden from everyone else receiving the message? Answer This is a good question as it often comes up for more than…

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