Why am I getting an “invalid email address” when sending mail?
I just set up my email account on my device. But, every time I try to send email, it says the email address is invalid, any advice?!!
NOTE: If you are having problems getting or receiving email, this article might help. If you still are having problems after reading this blog, please contact your email or internet provider as I cannot offer extended advice on this subject. My business focus is web and graphic design — not email.
If you can send an email to another address, the problem is the recipients email address and not your email set up.
Usually, this means something is not quite right with one of your recipient’s email addresses. Sometimes a sender will have their “reply to” email address spelled incorrectly and it ends up in your address book. So, when you try to type in their address it auto-fills with the wrong address. It could be a space or bad character.
Double check the email addresses of the people you are sending to and check for things like:
- Extra space somewhere in the email address. Usually auto-fill is the culprit what looks like your correct email is actually your email with a trailing space you can’t see: [email protected]<space>
- More than one ‘@’ sign
- Username is longer than 300 characters
- You’re entering ‘@gmail’ or ‘@yahoo’ instead of ‘@gmail.com’ or ‘@yahoo.com’
- Their domain name is spelled wrong
- Hand type (not auto-fill) their email address and see if it will send.
If you’ve tried these and still have no luck, try double-checking your own “reply-to” email address, and email address to make sure you have your email spelled properly.
some one is using my email address.
You should change your password.
I tried to set up an email account but its saying invalid..what could be wrong ? Eg [email protected] then it will say Please enter a valid email address
I’ll need a screenshot.
My Gmail shows invalid each time when I use my Gmail
Please email me a screenshot of this happening.
My mail id is showing invalid, always when I apply for anything
Please email me a screenshot of this happening. It feels like there must be a space or it is auto filling with the wrong info or something.
When I send an e-mail that starts with www. A message appears telling me, this is an invalid address. l am wondering about the www. Can you please tell me, what I am doing wrong? For an example, see the www. address below (it’s a real address!).
Richard Young.
Example address:
The short answer is you need to remove the www from the email address. I.E. [email protected] vs [email protected]
You’ve certainly piqued my interest on precisely WHY this won’t work. I’ve never given it any thought other than to know it won’t work.
So dr sir ; How am i going to the microsoft?
WHEN I WOULD TYPE MY EMAIL ADDRESS IN ON A FORM I WAS HITTING THE SPACE BAR AFTER .COM YOU CAN’T DO THAT! I finally paid microsoft to tell me that… so for all of you that are getting invalid email address error message that is your answer!
Sorry you had to pay to have them tell you that Diane. At least you figured it out!
iam happy to join yahoo masenger
pleas help me to vaild my email
What is the error you are getting?
If enter my email Id it shows enter a valid email id
If I enter my email id it shows enter valid email id please give me solutions
I’ll need a screenshot.
I’ll need a screenshot.
All those reasons have to do with typos. I enter my email correctly, hit send and still receive invalid email address. It usually occurs when I try to buy things on line. I feel like my email is blocked for some reason. Now, I really can not buy on the internet. My wechat was blocked recently too. It said suspicious log in attempt. No one signs in and out of wechat, you sign in when you set up your account and after that it is on. Back to invalid email, as I enter it in correctly and it works in my email, then there is some other problem. I wonder what it is?
Posting on this site, my email address was accepted, or my post wouldn’t be on. So, something is up, but what is it?
Everytime whenever I try to send/fill email id it goes invalid why?i can’t understand.
I’ll need a screenshot.