Why am I getting an “invalid email address” when sending mail?

March 29, 2010 / Updated: November 1, 2019 / Lena Shore
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I just set up my email account on my device. But, every time I try to send email, it says the email address is invalid, any advice?!!


NOTE: If you are having problems getting or receiving email, this article might help. If you still are having problems after reading this blog, please contact your email or internet provider as I cannot offer extended advice on this subject. My business focus is web and graphic design — not email.

If you can send an email to another address, the problem is the recipients email address and not your email set up.

Usually, this means something is not quite right with one of your recipient’s email addresses. Sometimes a sender will have their “reply to” email address spelled incorrectly and it ends up in your address book. So, when you try to type in their address it auto-fills with the wrong address. It could be a space or bad character.

Double check the email addresses of the people you are sending to and check for things like:

  • Extra space somewhere in the email address. Usually auto-fill is the culprit what looks like your correct email is actually your email with a trailing space you can’t see: [email protected]<space>
  • More than one ‘@’ sign
  • Username is longer than 300 characters
  • You’re entering ‘@gmail’ or ‘@yahoo’ instead of ‘@gmail.com’ or ‘@yahoo.com’
  • Their domain name is spelled wrong
  • Hand type (not auto-fill) their email address and see if it will send.

If you’ve tried these and still have no luck, try double-checking your own “reply-to” email address, and email address to make sure you have your email spelled properly.

