How can I open an EPS file?
An EPS file (Encapsulated Postscript) is a file format usually reserved for industry standards graphics. To open and edit an EPS, you need a program like Adobe Illustrator. If you don’t need to edit it and don’t care about destroying the format, you can also open it in Photoshop and other raster based graphic programs….
How do I get photos on the Sony PSP from my Macintosh?
My son has a Sony PSP. How to I put photos on it from my Macintosh?
My email won't connect to the server to get email!
This short How-To covers this and other similar dreaded messages: “Cannot send message using xxx server” This problem happens frequently and it’s usually due to your primary ISP (Bellsouth, Comcast, etc.). What happens is that your email is ultimately controlled by your primary ISP even if you have your own domain name you are using. Usually the…
Quark vs. InDesign: My InDesign soapbox.
Yes. This is my soapbox. You’ve been warned. If I could just convince people to switch to Mac from Windows and from Quark to InDesign, my job would be done. Here is my soapbox on InDesign.
Logo email signatures without attaching or embedding!
This article will explain how to make a logo signature in Outlook Express (for Windows) and Mail (for Macintosh using systems before Mountain Lion. If you are running Mountain Lion or newer go here.).
How to Delete Mail from the Server
Are you using Outlook and have ceased to receive email due to your mailbox being full? It could be that your Outlook Express settings are not deleting mail from the server automatically. Here is how to check and fix it. NOTE: These instructions will only delete mail from the server that you have already downloaded to…
Getting Email on Your iPhone Using Your Domain
NOTE: This article was written while thinking about the iPhone – but it should also work for your iPod Touch. Just work someplace where you have a good WiFi connection. Additionally, since I wasn’t actually looking at an iPod Touch when I wrote it there may be some menu differences I didn’t consider. If you…
What do I use for spam prevention?
Question I was curious about what you use for your spam filters – mine is getting out of control with the viagra offers! Answer I use two types of spam filters. First, I use SpamAssassin on my servers. So, anyone that I’m hosting (including myself!) that gets email through it has that installed on their…
Free Faxing Without a Fax Machine
Did you know you can send and receive a fax for free through the internet? Sometimes you just want to test your fax line, or your fax is broken. Or maybe you are going paperless and want to be more green. Whatever your reason, there are some options.
Cheap Things to Do When Business is Slow
With all businesses, there are slow times throughout the year. If you pay attention, you can predict when the slow time for your industry will be. If you have been in business for a while, you probably already know when those times are.