Spruce Up Your Signature in Outlook Express

Are you using Outlook Express for your email? Wishing you could add a little zip to your signature? Some color or maybe a link to your web site? Follow the easy steps below and you’ll be on your way!
- Launch Outlook Express and Create Mail.
- Create your signature with the tools to get the look you want. You can create horizontal lines, choose fonts, colors, etc. You can even insert a logo. (NOTE: Your logo will show up as an attachment in someone’s inbox. There is always a risk that this will get your mail thrown into their spam filter. If you want to create a signature that displays the logo without inserting it, go see this article.)
- After you get your signature the way you want it go to File –> Save As –>. Choose the file type HTML Files, name your file and save it someplace you can navigate easily to. In this case, I will save it on my desktop.
- Next, in your main Outlook Express window navigate to Tools –> Options.
- Click the Signatures tab.
- Select New.
- Notice that the “Edit Signature” area is now active. Select the File radio button and click Browse.
- Find the file we saved in step 3. If you don’t see it on your desktop, make sure the “Files of type” is set to “HTML” or “All Files”. After you have selected the file, choose “Open”.
- If you want the signature to show up in all of your outgoing messages, check the box that says “Add signatures to all outgoing messages”
- Select “OK” from your Signatures panel. Your done!
Now, let’s create an email using our new signature
- Select Create Mail.
- Select Insert –> Signature (or if you already did step 9 above, you will see your signature).