Ask Lena: Retrieve list of BBC mail recipients

September 27, 2010 / Updated: September 27, 2010 / Lena Shore
Filed under:


I just sent a mass email using the and blind cc’d all the recipients. Then I noticed I failed to include a subject line, so they’re probably all going to delete it, unread. I need to go back and re-send, but it’s not showing me any of the addresses I sent it to (and I have no idea who a lot of them were). Any hope for me?


Yes. There is hope for you! Snow Leopard  seems to show this by default. Earlier OSX versions (like Tiger) may need to be tweaked.

Here is how to check:

  1. Open your
  2. Go to preferences
  3. Go to Viewing
  4. Show header detail
  5. From here, you can choose all or some, etc. I like to use “custom” and select the specific ones I want. You may need to add “Bcc” to the custom list.
  6. Now go back and see if you can see who you sent to by opening the email you sent.

