Need a flip book? Use InDesign!

You’ve seen digital flip books. You see them online. You can click the pages and they do this neat page curl and you can make your mouse “flip” the pages.
Traditionally (which is funny, since tradition doesn’t go back THAT far in our digital world), these created with Flash. Later we have learned to do them with HTML 5 so we don’t have rely on flash.
But, if you need one and you are comfortable with InDesign and not with code you can rejoice. InDesign has a very easy way to do this: Export –> Flash Player (SWF)
After you have saved your file, InDesign will have generated a Flash file and an associated HTML document. You can now place these online somewhere or integrate the pertinent HTML into a web page of your choosing. Just remember that the SWF file is relative to the HTML. You’ll need to keep it in the same directly as the HTML or change the path name in the HTML.
Very helpful. I learnt new thing today. Thank you so much Lena, for your tips and this blog. You really saved my time and efforts. Really great. Thanks a ton!!!
Best of luck for your future and tips 🙂
So glad it was helpful! (:
Recently learned how easy it is make a flip book in InDesign… WOW! But, would like book to go back to first page at the end of the book instead of having to flip backwards page by page… have you seen this anywhere? Thanks. Deb B
You could make a page link in InDesign before you exported it.