Gmail: Create Easy Filters


July 4, 2013 / Updated: March 22, 2014 / Lena Shore
Filed under: ,


One of the nicer functionalities that Gmail has is the ability to create filters. They are easy to set up and can really help you get your email under control.

A few questions that can be answered with filters…

  • How can I make sure that email from my mom never goes into the spam filter?
  • I have a client that sends emails to all of their friends about subjects I don’t want to read. I can’t block them entirely. How can I just block those emails?
  • My sister and I share the phone bill payment, but I get the bill. How can I have the statement get automatically emailed to her?
  • Can I create an auto response to just certain people?

How to set up a filter

  • Login to Gmail
  • Go to your –> Mail Area then –> Settings (It’s under the gear icon on the right) and then –> Filters
  • Click “Create a new filter”


I have a client that sends me emails to all of their friends about subjects I don’t want to read. I can’t block them entirely. How can I just block those emails?

Step 1:


Step 2:


Step 3: Click “Create Filter”

As soon as you see how easy it is to set up one of these, you’ll probably think of all kinds of ways you can use them.

