The True Cost of using Comic Sans

September 8, 2014 / Updated: October 1, 2014 / Lena Shore
Filed under: Print Design, Productivity
If you are a designer, you know we hate the font Comic Sans because of its overuse, readability and a dozen other reasons. What you you may not know it is that Comic Sans is costing you money to use it compared to other fonts.
Via PixartPrinting
I take your (tongue in cheek) point about American spelling saving trees.
But it isn’t all in the spelling. Americans tend to use longer words than us Brits.
e.g. automobile (car), elevator (lift), colorize (colour), egg plant (aubergine), zucchini (courgette), apartment (flat). That’s 35 characters instead of 52 – a 33% saving.
A potential saving of a third is much more significant than saving the occasional letter “u”!
As an aside, the words program and programme have different meanings over here.
Interesting take on the subject. Prince must be the best toner saver ever! (: