Make a PDF for free! Easy!

February 4, 2009 / Updated: February 4, 2009 / Lena Shore
Filed under: Software Review, Tutorials
See if any of these situations sound familiar.
- You need to create a PDF, but don’t have the full version of Acrobat.
- You can’t take advantage of the Macintosh’s built-in PDF maker because you are running Windows.
- You are on a Mac and someone sends you a Microsoft Publisher file.
- Someone sends you a file that you don’t have the program to open it.
PDF Online could be your answer. PDF Online will let you upload a document and will convert it to a PDF and email it to you for free. It will convert the following formats:
- MS Word (DOC)
- MS Word (RTF)
- Text (TXT)
- MS PowerPoint (PPT)
- MS PowerPoint (PPS)
- MS Publisher (PUB)
- MS Excel (XLS)
After a little poking around on their site, I discovered a few other things they have:
- A printer driver you can download to print to a PDF. It has a free trial period and only costs $14.95 for a single license. While it only works on Windows, that’s okay for Macintosh users too since they already have a PDF maker as part of the operating system.
- Convert a PDF to Word. (FREE)
- Add a button to your websites that will “Save page as PDF” for your visitors. You have to sign-up, but I think this is also a free service.
- A (FREE) PDF service for your iphone or other handheld device. This allows you to send an email to a specific address with attached documents. The documents are converted to PDFs and then emailed back to you. And, if you don’t have an iphone – you can still email your docs and have them sent back as PDFs. Neat!
This is a pretty nice little tip to have in your toolbox of tricks. So, if you need convert a document to a PDF, check them out:
PDF Online – FRee PDF Services
Good tip Kro. Thanks!
Another option for printing to a PDF is CutePDF ( It will create a printer driver that will send any Windows print to a PDF file. It works well and is free.
Great tip. I am sure that I will get the opportunity to recommend this solution to clients.