United Way Children's Book Illustration

July 15, 2010 / Updated: July 15, 2010 / Lena Shore
Filed under: Illustration, Portfolio, Print Design, Recent Work
For the last few years I’ve had the privilege of getting to do the design and layout for a series of Children’s books for the United Way. I got the opportunity to be more involved with the latest book with a chance to illustrate as well as lay out the book. From a designers point of view, this is a real treat. Normally when you work on illustrations, you don’t get to have any input on the book design. So, I got the best of both worlds and was able to plan everything out from the beginning.
The United Way has been doing these books as part of their Life Act II initiative. Life Act II’s goal is for people to learn to revere our elderly population and learn from them. Their goal is for our society to realize that our senior population is a gift of knowledge and experience to be cherished.
To develop the book, it went through several steps. First high school students interviewed a senior and wrote a story based upon that interview. Then, the United Way enlisted the help of professional writers and illustrators to bring the concept to life as a children’s book. After printing the books are distributed to the area schools. Each book contains the original interview, story, and biographies of the senior and students.
I am trying so hard to get a copy of this book. It was one of my sons first books and the copy we have has been damaged. Does anyone know where I can order a copy of this book from. I searched the internet with no success. Thanks in advance for any help with this.
Antonio – throw yourself on the mercy of United Way and see if they can get you another book. You want the United Way in Jacksonville, Florida in the Life: Act II division.
And as the author of this book, I was so fortunate to have THE BEST illustrator and lay out designer. When I graduate (retire) in 4 years from the school system, I would love to do another book with YOU!
Thanks Jill. You are too kind. It would be fun to do another book with you as well. (:
Had a moment to catch up on your blog/newsletter and I’m really lovin’ it, Lena. Thanks so muchf or putting this together and for sharing your work with United Way to raise consciousness about the Elderly. Awesome!!!
Thank you! Thank you! I’m glad people are enjoying it. It was a well worth project.
Wonderful book and illustrations!
Thanks! I appreciate the compliment. I was glad I finally got around to posting it.