9 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Business’ Social Media Images

March 1, 2019 / Updated: March 25, 2019 / Lena Shore
Filed under: Marketing, Social Media
If you have a social media page (or several) like Facebook, Linkedin, or Twitter it might be time to see if your images need some tweaking.
Are your images crisp and clear? If your images are fuzzy or unprofessional, that could lead people to think that your company is unprofessional.
Do they look out-of-date? Does your main image have people dressed in their finest double-knit polyester bell-bottoms? It might be time to upgrade your image to something more modern. Unless you are selling 70’s bell-bottoms of course.
Do your images fit the space? All the social platforms change their image sizes from time-to-time. The nice big image at the top might not fit as well as it could. If you google “current social media image sizes” here, you’ll get lots of sites that list the latest sizes for all the major social media sites. Don’t forget that one size does not fit all. Each social media platform has different parameters.
How do your images work on mobile? Sometimes an image looks great on a computer and lousy on your mobile device. Make sure you’ve optimized correctly for each.
How does your logo or profile image look? Does it fit nicely? Or is it cropped? Would it look better another size?
Do your images match the rest of your marketing materials? If you’ve updated your brochure or website with a new design, it might be time to update the images on your social media pages as well. Consistent branding makes you look professional as well as more memorable.
Are you consistent across platforms? While your content should vary based on your platform, your brand should be consistent. Visitors should find you instantly recognizable.
How’s your design? Is it engaging and pleasing to the eye? Or does it look like a used car flyer with too much going on?
Do your images have a purpose? Your purpose could be as simple as showing your product in a creative way. Maybe you have a message or special offer you could share to increase engagement. Have you considered seasonal banners? I have clients that change out their banners based on seasons that work nicely.
Do you want help with updating your social media images?
Share the link to your social media platforms with me so I can review, let me know what you are thinking and let’s come up with a plan! Give me a call at 904-438-8389 or shoot me an email to discuss.