Macintosh: Play Tetris from your terminal
Did you know you can play Tetris from within your terminal? It’s a bored geek’s wildest dreams!
Put a different footer on first page of Word document
Do you know how to put a footer on 2 pages of a paper but not on the first paper?
Set up Email in Outlook 2007
How to Set Up Outlook 2007 for Windows to Send and Receive Email Operating System(s): Windows XP Application: Microsoft Outlook Application Version(s): 2007
Add a Signature in Hotmail
Wish you could add a mult-line signature with a link to your web site to your hotmail account? Here is how: Hotmail Account Microsoft Word
Spruce Up Your Signature in Outlook Express
Are you using Outlook Express for your email? Wishing you could add a little zip to your signature? Some color or maybe a link to your web site? Follow the easy steps below and you’ll be on your way!
How to get Flash video and controls on your website
Programs needed: Adobe Flash Adobe Flash Video Encoder Dreamweaver
Make a PDF for free! Easy!
See if any of these situations sound familiar. You need to create a PDF, but don’t have the full version of Acrobat. You can’t take advantage of the Macintosh’s built-in PDF maker because you are running Windows. You are on a Mac and someone sends you a Microsoft Publisher file. Someone sends you a file…
What is Bandwidth?
There are two kinds of bandwidth. I know. Confusing already. Bandwidth can refer to speed (how fast you can go) or it can refer to hosting (how much can you transfer).
What is a PDF? Do I need Adobe? Why isn't it free?
Question I used to have Adobe (for free) until my computer crashed and burned a few weeks ago. I keep running into things that say they can only run on Adobe so I went to download it again but now I find that they charge for it. Do I really need Adobe to run those different things or…
How can I open an EPS file?
An EPS file (Encapsulated Postscript) is a file format usually reserved for industry standards graphics. To open and edit an EPS, you need a program like Adobe Illustrator. If you don’t need to edit it and don’t care about destroying the format, you can also open it in Photoshop and other raster based graphic programs….