
Macintosh: Spotlight can do math

Did you know that Spotlight, on your Macintosh can do math? Many times it is quicker than bringing up your calculator.

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Macintosh: Play Tetris from your terminal

Did you know you can play Tetris from within your terminal? It’s a bored geek’s wildest dreams!

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Put a different footer on first page of Word document

Do you know how to put a footer on 2 pages of a paper but not on the first paper?

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Set up Email in Outlook 2007

How to Set Up Outlook 2007 for Windows to Send and Receive Email Operating System(s): Windows XP Application: Microsoft Outlook Application Version(s): 2007

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Add a Signature in Hotmail

Wish you could add a mult-line signature with a link to your web site to your hotmail account? Here is how: Hotmail Account Microsoft Word

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Spruce Up Your Signature in Outlook Express

Are you using Outlook Express for your email? Wishing you could add a little zip to your signature? Some color or maybe a link to your web site? Follow the easy steps below and you’ll be on your way!

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How to get Flash video and controls on your website

Programs needed: Adobe Flash Adobe Flash Video Encoder Dreamweaver

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Make a PDF for free! Easy!

See if any of these situations sound familiar. You need to create a PDF, but don’t have the full version of Acrobat. You can’t take advantage of the Macintosh’s built-in PDF maker because you are running Windows. You are on a Mac and someone sends you a Microsoft Publisher file. Someone sends you a file…

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What is Bandwidth?

There are two kinds of bandwidth. I know. Confusing already. Bandwidth can refer to speed (how fast you can go) or it can refer to hosting (how much can you transfer).

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What is a PDF? Do I need Adobe? Why isn't it free?

Question I used to have Adobe (for free) until my computer crashed and burned a few weeks ago.  I keep running into things that say they can only run on Adobe so I went to download it again but now I find that they charge for it.  Do I really need Adobe to run those different things or…

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