
Accessibility Defined. What do all these terms mean?

This is a cheat sheet of some of the terms commonly used when talking about ADA compliance or accessibility. A11y: A shortened form of the word “accessibility.” There are eleven letters between “A” and “Y”. Ableism: Discrimination or prejudice against individuals with disabilities. Accessibility Barrier: Anything that prevents individuals with disabilities from fully accessing and…

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How to use the Colour Contrast Analyser to Check your Website and Screen Documents for Accessibility Color Usage

What is color contrast and why is it important? Color contrast is the relationship between two colors when they are next-to or on-top-of each other. Great contrast is readable. Poor contrast is not. You probably never gave it much thought but there is a reason that a stop sign is red with white lettering —…

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Accessibility: How to Stop Leaving Potential Customers’ Money on the Floor… and Not Be an Ass at the Same Time!

What is Accessibility and Why Does it Matter to Your Business? At root, Accessibility is about showing customers you care about them and extending a welcome mat to people want to spend money with you, but may not feel like their needs are adequately addressed enough to do so. I think everyone understands that your…

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Picture of a computer, paper, pencils, notes about web design

Why I’m Increasing My Full Website Development Prices

NOTE: if you are looking for the Accessibility article, you can find it here. I made a mistake in my newsletter with the link. It’s 2022 (where does the time go!), and with the new year often comes an increase in price. The problem is, you don’t know the price increase is coming. Businesses will…

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Desktop with laptop computer, coffee, and notepad

Everything You Need to Know About My Graphic Design Services

You may have noticed I offer graphic design services to help businesses make a good first impression with their existing and potential clients. However, I understand that graphic design is an investment of your time and money, and I also understand that there are other similar products or services out there too.  So, I created…

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Illustrated drawings of computer, laptop, and mobile device.

6 Common Bloopers Businesses Make When Hiring a Web Designer 

If you’re looking to build a new website then you’re in the right place.  I love helping businesses build a great website so they can attract more customers and relieve some of the tedium that comes with running your own business. Before you jump right into building your own website, here are some of the…

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I’m a Wizard, Harry!

I was recently bestowed the honor of being the Wizard of the Week at GravityWiz. GravityWiz makes a set of tools called “Gravity Perks” to extend the power of GravityForm (a fantastic form builder). It does all KINDS of neat building block things. I have been a licensed user for both products for years now….

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How do you turn off on startup? I have the answer. I have customers that use box (a shared file service). We don’t use it much and I noticed that it was auto-launching on my Mac. I went to the preferences to tell the app not to launch upon start up. There was no…

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How to point your domain name to a new site

I have a domain name that I need to point to an existing site. How do I do this? You will need access to the following: The IP address of the server of the target site Access to the DNS records of the domain name you wish to point Tell your host what domain name…

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How to get a nice email signature

Question How do I get a nice email signature like this? Answer To get a nice email signature with your logo (like below) and information you have some choices. I wrote a tutorial on how to create a HTML signature. It even has a downloadable HTML file you can start with. This works on Mac…

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