The difference between absolute and relative paths

Question We are working on a small website page that uses iframes. Part of our instructions are saying we need to use absolute paths instead of relative paths. What is the difference? Answer When using image in web pages your images don’t live inside the source code, they live as a file (jpg, gif, png,…

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Dummy's Guide to Formatting Images in the Shopp Plugin

Shopp ( is a great little plugin for adding a shopping cart to your WordPress site.The support is excellent and everyone at Shopp has been nothing but overly helpful. That being said, figuring out how to size your images can be a little confusing. Pouring over the community forum is helpful, but I think the…

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Do you have a mobile version of your website?

What does having a mobile version of your website mean? You may have heard talk about having a “mobile friendly” or “mobile version” website design. Mobile Friendly A mobile friendly website design means that your website looks good on a mobile device such as an iPhone, Blackberry, or iPad. You would also want to avoid…

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