Design Do-Over Website Review: Gregory D. Little, Author

Today I am reviewing my author friend Gregory D. Little’s website. He must be a glutton for punishment (probably because he is a writer)— he’s let me do this before with his newsletter. He is also a good sport. So, thank you Greg!!! Also, go buy Greg’s books if you are into speculative fiction. He’s…

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Ligia de Wit: Newsletter Review

I’ve been asked like Ligia De Wit to review her newsletter for design recommendations. Find the video below. This is a direct link to the newsletter I am reviewing. Please find Ligia to learn more about her and to find her books at her website,  

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Design Do-Over Diary: Newsletter Critique

Greg D. Little is a client, a friend, and a fantastic author of speculative fiction. He writes the scary, creepy, mysterious stuff people crave, plus the occasional side-splittingly humorous sci-fi. And while you might expect to find Greg living in a dark basement, lit by a single flickering bulb swinging from a bare cord while…

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