Design Do-Over Diary: Newsletter Critique

Greg D. Little is a client, a friend, and a fantastic author of speculative fiction. He writes the scary, creepy, mysterious stuff people crave, plus the occasional side-splittingly humorous sci-fi. And while you might expect to find Greg living in a dark basement, lit by a single flickering bulb swinging from a bare cord while…

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Truck Wrap for Waynes Pest Control

Project: Truck Wrap Client: Waynes Pest Control Client’s Awesomeness: 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I love a good project. I love a good client even more. And they have been nothing but delightful to work with. I helped them update their new Waynes Wildlife truck designs for 2024. They wanted something that would be cute and utilized…

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