Ask Lena: Retrieve list of BBC mail recipients

Question I just sent a mass email using the and blind cc’d all the recipients. Then I noticed I failed to include a subject line, so they’re probably all going to delete it, unread. I need to go back and re-send, but it’s not showing me any of the addresses I sent it to…

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Illustration: Family Dog

One thing I always want more time to do is artwork. I would like more time to create, more time to push my limits as an artist, and more time to work on my portfolio. Sadly, I end up spending a lot of energy whining about it, and very little energy doing it. This past…

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Fun cases and stands for your iPad or iPhone

Here is a quick roundup of some amusing stands and cases I found for iPhone and iPad recently. The Flick Stick: Slim and foldable phone stand, selfie stick, vanity mirror, everything grip all in one. It attaches using a strong (but removable) adhesive sticker. It comes in some really neat patterns too! Clever Stand: Comprising…

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Google and Verizon: Doin’ Evil?

Much excitement has been caused over the recent agreement by Google and Verizon. While it was not a formal business deal, the substance of the talks were which types of internet content to prioritize (bandwidth-wise) over others on wireless networks, and how best to go about it. The following describes the general public reaction to…

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