Archive for September 2010
Ask Lena: Retrieve list of BBC mail recipients
Question I just sent a mass email using the and blind cc’d all the recipients. Then I noticed I failed to include a subject line, so they’re probably all going to delete it, unread. I need to go back and re-send, but it’s not showing me any of the addresses I sent it to…
Read MoreIllustration: Family Dog
One thing I always want more time to do is artwork. I would like more time to create, more time to push my limits as an artist, and more time to work on my portfolio. Sadly, I end up spending a lot of energy whining about it, and very little energy doing it. This past…
Read MoreFun cases and stands for your iPad or iPhone
Here is a quick roundup of some amusing stands and cases I found for iPhone and iPad recently. The Flick Stick: Slim and foldable phone stand, selfie stick, vanity mirror, everything grip all in one. It attaches using a strong (but removable) adhesive sticker. It comes in some really neat patterns too! Clever Stand: Comprising…
Read MoreGoogle and Verizon: Doin’ Evil?
Much excitement has been caused over the recent agreement by Google and Verizon. While it was not a formal business deal, the substance of the talks were which types of internet content to prioritize (bandwidth-wise) over others on wireless networks, and how best to go about it. The following describes the general public reaction to…
Read MorePoll: What articles would you like to see?
What articles or subjects would you like to see on my blog. You can vote multiple times. Feel free to comment below the article. [poll id=”1″]
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