Archive for November 2010
Part 1: Electronic Newsletters — How they work
They go by many names… electronic newsletters, eblasts, email mailers, ezines and e-newsletters. You probably already get your share of them in your inbox. Some of them you enjoy, some of them you never signed up for and wonder how they got your name. Whatever name you want to call them, the process is pretty…
Read MoreAsk Lena: InDesign 5 Questions
Question I guess Adobe made some changes to Indesign 5 from 4. Do you know how to set a .pdf to open automatically (to view it) after it was created using the Indesign “Export” command? Answer There is a checkbox you’ll need to select for this when exporting your PDF. After you set it, it becomes…
Read MoreAsk Lena: My mailbox is getting full
Question My Outlook Express seems to work okay, but my mailbox is getting full on the server and I can’t get my mail. I heard there was a way to fix this. Do you know how? Answer Pretty much all servers have a limit on their mailbox. If they didn’t, it would get filled up…
Read MoreAsk Lena: Mambo's Meta tags
Question Hey Lena, this has been bugging me for a long time and in the age of Facebook, etc. I really need to resolve it. How can I make it so the Mambo information and the Mambo logo do not appear in our meta-whatevers? If I try to link to the site in Facebook, the…
Read MoreAsk Lena: What happened to InBooklet for InDesign
Question I used to have an InDesign plugin called InBooklet. It was great for putting documents in spreads for the press. Now I can’t find it. What happened to it? Answer InBooklet was a plugin created by a company called ALAP (A Lowly Apprentice Production). They did a fantastic job. They did such a good…
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