Posts by Lena Shore
Here is how you change the upload file size in WordPress
There you are cruising along writing your new blog article and you need to upload a file. Suddenly you get an error that your file size is over the 2MB limit. Most of the time 2MB is plenty. And, limiting your website upload limits is good practice in case you get hit by a hacker.…
Read MoreHelp! I lost the password to my TimeCapsule!
Question I had TimeCapsule set up and then got a new machine and moved things around. Anyway, when I go to my Airport Utility it wants to know my TimeCapsule password and I have no clue what it is. How can I retrieve it? Answer This is an easy one! You need to give TimeCapsule…
Read MoreJohn Cleese: A Lecture on Creativity
I found this wonderful 1991 formal lecture by John Cleese speaking about being creative. I think this would be interesting for anyone no matter what your vocation. Additionally, it’s very entertaining as you might expect.
Read More12 Things To Do After You’ve Written a Blog
This fantastic infogram is from DIVVHQ.
Read MoreHow to add an album to a page in WordPress using NextGEN Gallery
In this tutorial I will show you how to add an album using existing galleries to a page or post in WordPress, using NextGEN Gallery plugin. This tutorial assumes you already have some galleries created. If you do not, you can go to Gallery –> Add Gallery/Images area of NextGEN to create them and upload…
Read MoreFIX: Displaying the Wrong "From" on iPad Email
Question Hi Lena. Recently my iPad 2 started inserting “iPad” in “From” field, when I send from iPad as opposed to laptop. This has caused some problems with people thinking messages are Spam. Do you know how I can fix this so my appears instead? Answer Fire up your iPad an go to Settings…
Read MoreIs this picture big enough for my brochure?
I get this question a lot from clients when working on a printed piece. Resolution for printed pieces is totally different than for websites. Website (or screen) resolution is only 72dpi. This means your images look like they do on your monitor. But, when you use them for high quality printing, the resolution must be…
Read MoreHow can I tell is someone's website is a CMS?
Question How can I tell if a site has a CMS (Content Managed Site) installed? I have a client that has a site and wants me to add a page to it. I have the login info, but I can’t tell if they use a CMS for changes. It doesn’t look like it is, but…
Read MoreFree Photoshop Alternative? Yep. It's called SumoPaint.
Sometimes people need a photo editing program with the major features of Photoshop, but for a small project that doesn’t really justify the expense. You could pay someone else who already has the software and equipment, but two or more of those, and you’ve spent just as much as you would have on buying your…
Read MoreHow do I make my old website page point to my new website page? Answer: Use a 301 redirect
Question My old website had a contact page called contact.html. My new website’s contact page is contact-us.php. If I go to the original page I get a 404 error. I heard there was a way to use the .htaccess file to fix this. Can you explain it? Answer Absolutely. It’s called a 301 Redirect and…
Read MoreCustomizing the Facebook Thumbnail and Page Title When You Share a Link from Your Website
When you share a link on Facebook, it will automatically populate the page title, description, and an image from your site based on the web site address you are sharing. What if you don’t like the way it looks and want to change something? First, see if you can edit what you want the easy…
Read MoreAdobe Illustrator pressure sensitive brushes don’t work with my Wacom Tablet anymore!
Question I recently had to update my drivers for my old Wacom tablet due to a system upgrade. I was very disappointed to find out that my pressure sensitive brushes don’t work any more in Adobe Illustrator CS5. I can draw with them, but they aren’t pressure sensitive. Is there any way to fix this? Answer I…
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